In Leo

One more week before Mercury stations direct. Hang in there! Though maybe not quite like London mayor, Boris Johnson, here.

Lots of Olympics replays in more ways than one, ranging from lost keys to retroactive disqualification to a Twitter fracas.

Outside of the Games, Lynn Hayes sums up other events here.

Image: Harold Lloyd in Safety Last! (1923)

Among the other issues that have plagued the London Olympics organisers in the past weeks, this whimsical incident takes place: during the women’s football (soccer) match in Glasgow between North Korea and Colombia, some official mistakenly displays the South Korean flag on the big screen instead. Perhaps not so whimsical to the people on the wrong end of it, I acknowledge, and especially since the two Koreas are still officially at war.

And then US Presidential election candidate, Mitt Romney, walks right into it on his visit to London with several high profile gaffes, which London mayor Boris Johnson manages to capitalise on in front of a crowd of 60,000.

It would be funny (and nice) if London were actually galvanised to pull off the event flawlessly, though with this clanger, and a few more hours to go, I’m still holding my breath!

In an inexplicable move, Apple has decided to remove the RSS functionality from the latest version of its popular browser, Safari 6, as part of the Mountain Lion upgrade. As an RSS reader, it was simple, no-frills, and (for me) not Google Reader.

The online community is swift to respond. There have been numerous complaints and calls for its return, and a host of quick solutions, in the form of browser extensions, and automated workflows.

Reviewing and revising are the themes of Mercury retrograde, but it doesn’t mean remove what is useful. Fire signs can act too hastily. How are our own life-edits? Have we been throwing out the baby with the bath water?

Some of you might remember that Apple launched the iPhone during Mercury retrograde and there were a few glitches at the time.

Well, Apple just released its new operating software, Mountain Lion (Leo!), and yes, there have been a few glitches.

I’d wait till mid-August at least if you are thinking of getting it.

Another thing not to do during Mercury retrograde: get a tattoo!

This woman went to a tattooist to commemorate her contribution to the Olympic torch relay and he put the “y” in the wrong place…

I’m glad she saw the humour (Mercury) in it and decided to keep it for its uniqueness (Uranus). Choosing to celebrate an occasion with a visual display is also a rather Leonine thing to do (note the flame and the halo on the torch).

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