Another Mercury retrograde is upon us, and this post is late as usual. My excuse is – I’ve been writing, but more on that in another post.

With all that has been going on in the world in the past weeks (what with the ongoing phone hacking scandal, European economic crises, US political standoff and Middle East unrest among other things), the usual delays experienced during Mercury retrograde can seem pretty inconsequential. But the slowdown may offer a good opportunity to regroup and catch our breath, and take a second look at the situation instead of reacting.

One of the stone lions from Battleship Potemkin

Mercury this period retrogrades from 2 to 26 August 2011, from 1+° Virgo to 18+° Leo. How is Mercury expressed in Leo?

  • Communicates energetically, radiantly and proudly
  • Warmth, affection, and strong will motivate the need to establish connections
  • Communication colored by sense of drama, humor, and creative flair
  • Pride and urge for recognition spark expression of perceptions
  • Needs creative involvement in order to learn; makes intuitive leaps rather than logical associations
  • Ego’s involvement with thinking process can obliterate objectivity and limit flexibility and retention of facts
  • (Arroyo 63)

I wonder if this retrograde period may see some tempering of egotistical excesses that have dominated the news in the past weeks and months?

Arroyo, Stephen. Chart Interpretation Handbook. Sebastapol, Ca.: CRCS, 1989.